Burgolarm has vast experience in the design, installation, and maintenance of Access Control Systems. Our customers range from SME’s with single maglock door requirements to large Multinational Corporations with multiple access door requirements. We provide our customers with the access system that best suits their business.
Our experience over the last 50 years ranges from the ‘Stand Alone’ Maglock doors with an access control keypad to network access control systems with multiple doors and access control software applications.
Our range of Access Control Systems will give you full control over single doors, Roller shutters/doors, Car Park Barriers, Gate Entry Systems, Revolving/Sliding Doors and Turnstiles. In recent times the same bars used in Maglock doors are now being used in gate automation and automatic barriers.

The mode of control which will best suit your business
In addition to access monitoring, we will also design your Access Control System to integrate with any or all of your other applications such as Time and Attendance, Visitor/Contractor Management, Health & Safety, Building Management Systems, CCTV, Intruder and Fire Alarm Systems.
Health & Safety
As health and Safety continues to increase in importance we find our customers require Maglock doors to be integrated to the fire alarm system so when the fire alarm is activated the maglock door releases preventing the further spread of fire and allowing easier exiting of the premises.
Fighting COVID-19
The never-ending software developments in Access Control can make your access control system a valuable management tool in implementing your desired policy. In the recent pandemic days access control systems have played a vital role in limiting the spread of the virus by limiting the movement of visitors and staff.